Learn DevOps with Zero Knowledge for Freshers: Everything You Need To Know 



 DevOps is defined as a cultural change and a set of principles that unify software development and operation. It is intended to reduce the development life cycle, achieve the integration as well as delivery with development in growth otherwise known as CI/CD and to guarantee high quality of software. This guide will be equally useful if you are a fresher with zero knowledge in DevOps and as a result, will assist you to kick start your career in becoming a proficient DevOps engineer.

 Step-by-Step Guide 

 1. Understand the Basics 

 What is DevOps? 

 DevOps is an approach that is based on software development as well as the operational functions of IT. It focuses on cooperation, sharing information and work between the development team and the IT operation team. To summarise, DevOps targets continuous optimization of the procedures used to create, test and release software systems. 

 Key Concepts 

  •  Continuous Integration (CI): Several times per day, incorporating code changes into a common repository also to catch faults while fixing bugs. 
  •  Continuous Delivery (CD): Making changes to the code and automatically testing it, pushing production changes to production environments noting that the software being developed can be released to production at any time. 
  •  Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Instead of the number and locations of CPUs and disks, or different tools that the client interacts with to configure the computing infrastructure, it is using definition files to manage and provision the computing resources. 

 2. Learn the Foundation Skills 

 Basic Programming 

 Scripting is a process of programming where it is necessary to know at least one programming language. Some widely used languages in DevOps are: Some widely used languages in DevOps are: 

  •  Python: It is well known for its simplicity and easy-to-read scripting language good for scripting and automation. Learn Python 
  •  JavaScript: Usually applied in website design and other tasks that involve robotics. Learn JavaScript 

 Operating Systems 

 Operating systems are important to understand particularly Linux because the majority of the DevOps tools and environments are built on Linux. It is essential to discover fundamental syntax, switches, categories of file systems, methods of process management, network structures, and other highly significant characteristics of Linux. Linux Tutorial 

 Networking Basics 

 Network basics are relevant when it comes to configuring and managing the server, containers, and applications as well. Acquaint yourself with various terms such as IP address, Domain Name System (DNS), Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS), Firewall, and Load Balancer. Networking Basics

3. Dive into Version Control 


 Git is a distributed version of a control system that is used for tracking changes in computer files and coordinating work among people who are collaborating on a project; specifically, the source code of a project. Get to know the fundamental concepts of Git commands and their uses. Git Tutorial 


 GitHub is a web-based collaboration Git repository hosting service along with additional collaborative project tools. GitHub Guide 

 4. Learn CI/CD 


 Jenkins is a tool that allows for organizing a part of the process of developing software, creating builds, tests, delivering, and deploying automated. Jenkins Tutorial 

 GitLab CI/CD 

 GitLab CI/CD can be described as an effective pipeline that is a part of GitLab for handling DevOps processes automatically. Learn about CI/CD and the different strategies for setting up the pipelines. GitLab CI/CD Documentation 

 5. Learn Configuration Management 


 Ansible is an open-source automation tool which is used for the task of configuration management, application deployment, etc. It employs easy-to-understand YAML templates for the specification of both control and automation jobs. Ansible Documentation 


 Puppet is an Open source tool that is used in the configuration management of environment infrastructure. Puppet Tutorial 

 6. Understand Containerization and Orchestration 


 Docker is an open-source tool for building running and shipping applications in a technology called containers. Containers are lightweight, can be easily transported and guarantee that an application will run in the same way irrespective of its location. Docker Documentation 


 Kubernetes is an open source solution for container clustering which allows to automate the processes of deployment of applications into containers, scaling them and further controlling the clusters. A container can also assist in handling the applications within a container’s clustered set up. Kubernetes Documentation 

 7. Explore Cloud Platforms 

 AWS (Amazon Web Services) 

 AWS is a complex of cloud services providing different levels of services such as computing, storage, and databases. Understand how some of the core services work including but not limited to EC2 (web servers), S3 (storage), RDS (databases), and Lambda (fSvc). AWS Training 


 Azure is the place from Microsoft which gives different types of cloud services, which may be for computing, analyzing, storing as well as networking. Get acquainted with a variety of services and what Azure can do for you. Azure Fundamentals

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) 

 GCP stands for Google Cloud Platform which is one portion of Google and it provides services like computing, storage and more to customers. Introduce the company GCP and its structure and services. GCP Training 

 8. Know Infrastructure as Code (IaC) 


 Terraform is an open-source management tool used to ensure that multiple pieces of software can be proven, marked up, and built as well as potentially altered and propagated in a secure, cooperative manner. With the help of it, you can create infrastructure in the operative system using the defined language of description and settings. Terraform Documentation 

 9. Implement Monitoring and Logging 


 Prometheus is an open-source monitoring system and also a graph data base which is much more suitable for container-based application monitoring. Prometheus Documentation 

 ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana)

 ELK Stack is one of the most efficient tools for search, processing and visualization of log information. Each of the applications in Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana has a distinct role; Elasticsearch indexes log data while Logstash processes it, and Kibana displays it. ELK Stack Guide 

 10. Get Hands-On Experience 

 Build Projects 

 As a final task, or regularly, work on actual projects where you can implement the ideas that have been discussed in class. Set up Automated Continuous Integration and Deployment, address technological infrastructure using Infrastructure as Code, and put applications in containers. The experience can be considered as one of the main elements for learning DevOps. 

 Join the Community 

 Join DevOps social platforms to get insights on how other firms are implementing the DevOps processes, and also gain insight on the firm’s progress in implementing the DevOps processes. 

  •  DevOps Stack Exchange 
  •  DevOps Subreddit 

 11. Continuous Learning 

 Online Courses 

 Take online classes to further your knowledge and maintain relevant skills in today’s society. Although there is an abundance of DevOps courses available online, many of these are well-developed with lessons by professionals. 

  •  Coursera DevOps Courses 
  •  Udemy DevOps Courses 

 Learn from ThinkInspire 

 If you want to fast-track your DevOps initiative, then, it will be beneficial for you to join courses that ThinkInspire is offering as this online training institution. ThinkInspire is a training firm that focuses on offering end-to-end AWS and DevOps training for students and working professionals. Therefore, ThinkInspire’s constant engagement with expert instructors and use of hands-on projects inculcate practical training and in-depth knowledge. Through education from ThinkInspire, they stand in a good position to handle real work scenarios as they foster the DevOps career. 


 It is easy to think that stepping into DevOps from ground level might be a rigorous task but if one gets the right guide then getting the skills that are relevant in the field of DevOps as a professional DevOps engineer is very possible. It is also important to note that while practising through this step-by-step guide, it is advised that more practice is done and the participant also spends more time with the DevOps community to boost the learning process.

Have fun studying and wishing you the best on your journey to becoming a DevOps practitioner! 🎉 

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